Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Am I?

Where Am I?

22 Years of age, and 5 years ago when asked where do you see yourself, I had so many places where I was going to be, but reallynot there at all. So therefore, it plays with my mind, and gets me thinking about my life. I wonder to myself if I will ever make myself usefulor accomplish the things I want to accomplish. This month I really looked at my life from a far, and thought mostly that its too late, and or am I too old to even try to start anything. It took a friend to tell me that I'm "Only" 22 years old and still can do every, and anything I want to do. This friend also explained to me that simply if you don't like the road your on, you can always take a different route. I realize that life is rough, and though you tend try to please the people you love, you start to lack in things you do for yourself, or things you love. We tend to push all of what we want/need to do to make ourselves happy, and often try to please those those we love. In return we forget about ourselves, our goals, and happiness. Therefore, I challenge everyone to be yourself, create who you are, and create a plan to get there. So when you're unsure about the course that your life is taking, simply write down all the things that you don't like, the things you want to be happening, and create a road map to change what you don't like, do the things you need, and simply stick to it! Its nothing wrong with changing your mind, or bettering yourself. Sometimes you won't get the support you want, but you should realize that your all the support you need. Those you love will sometimes never agree on the choices you make, but that doesn't mean you have to change the choice. In the end you have to be your own person, do what you think is right, and deal with whatever outcome comes with it. This is apart of growing and maturing. Be you, Be Different, And Learn to Live Life! Always remember in life if someone gets mad about a choice you make, they'll get over it, only if indeed they truly care, or love you!