Friday, July 30, 2010

"A Better Me"

(the state or character of being positive: a positivity that accepts the world as it is.)

What's up everyone, I know it has been a while since I've blogged. A Lot of things have been going good for me! Got a new job, so that puts me at four JOBS! I know Its my fault, but it works all out for me! Lately, I have been overly excited, just for the fact that My book is currently close to being finished, and I love my new job! It seems like when you let people get the best of you, you allow them to stress you out! My plans on moving to L.A. is now completely out of the picture due to me having to get myself together before I go out there and really go hard! Its crazy cause I know that I will become successful, and have really no clear vision how, but as long as I stay focused I'll get there! Again I have learned about some people, and I've learned how to handle situations! All and all Everyone know that I am updating everyone to let them know that I'm being a better me, growing up, maturing, and loving life. Its Like the train, Hop on or get off! i'M PRETTY sure that next month will be as challenging as this month was. Each day you slowly see the changes in people. Or not really changes but you see them for what they are! I'm learning that there are a lot of negative folks in the world, especially the spark of positive actions. We should all have to accept and understand that the more positive things that starts to happen, and the more positive things you start to do, you’ll un-mask some of the most negative people around you! I'm learning that as I become more and more successful those who always say they are down for you, they are truly not! I cant say everyone is this way, for there are people similar to me. I don't judge anyone, I take them for who they are, and what ever success comes there way, I give them the congratulations that they deserve. We may not agree of some people actions, but we must understand there actions. For ever action, there is a purpose! I am a true believer of everything happens for a reason! So I say to everyone please stay positive, and keep a positive attitude. Promote positive actions, and maintain who you are, so you can stay they way you are!
Michael JOhn