Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Who are You"

Who Am I?
Seems to be what I've seemto ask myself in this last month. So many thoughts and things seem to go though my mind, but still cant pin point where I need to be. Its funny how one month you can be so sure, and next month be soun-sure. It seems to me that even though I have a came along way from where I used to be, I've realized that I have so much growing to do. Especially when I'm second guessing everything I do. You its normal for everyone to question themselves, but it once it become a normal thing we should always try to re-evaluate ourselves, and find out if we strayed away from our true values. This month I've realized that I strayed away my core goals, and values. Therefore, I say to everyone, friends, family, and anyone who's someone. We must set standards for ourselves, and like anything else thats important to us, we must stick to these standards and never let your guard down. Usually what happens you lower your standard just a little to compromise . In life we have to realize you are who you are, and need not to compromise,but be you. No matter what we do or how much we compromise at the end, you'll by nature do what comes natural. This month I had a situation where I compromised a situation just to make someone else feel a little better, and in the end I got played. Yes I was t'd off and it was on my mind the next day. than I realized that we all make mistakes, and that its apart of growing. Everyday you should ask yourself " Who Am I", "Who Am I Trying To Be", and "Where Am Going" You Should be able to Tell yourself who you are without hesitation, you should answer that your not trying to be anyone but yourself, and everyday you should be going in one direction to get you closer to your goals.
Me Michael John, Strong, unique, ambitious, crazy, fun, driven, and goal oriented man who loves to have fun, live life, and work hard for everything I do. I am trying to be no one else other than a better me, by each day striving harding to learn from my mistakes and be better than I was yesterday. I am going forward no matter what happen yesterday, because I cant let what we call life hold me back on what I need to do. I have a gift and its my responsibility to use it the best way I can and some.
"Who Are You?"