Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Thru My Eyes"

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What can I say

Another month down and more situations at hand. Sometimes you tend to lean towards different things, you must note to yourself that you will make decisions that may seem at the time right for you, and then decide in the future that it may have not been the best choice. You must know that you will change your mind, and you have to be ok with it. This month "Thru My Eyes", I’ve truly lost some things. Although, a lot has happen I feel like that I must share with all of my followers here, or even if no-one, write down my thoughts to get them off of my mind. You see it’s been a crazy month for me, from work, home, life, and relationships. Needless to say, the most things that affected me were me losing possibly a woman that I truly love. Not by death, but she said Goodbye to me, and said Goodbye for good. Also, I’ve lost someone greater this month. I've lost myself, and just came to realize that I've been really living my life, in not the way I want to. Not to say that I want to go out and go wild, but I couldn’t remember when the last time I honestly made a decision by myself, without thinking about any reparations. When was the last time I've relaxed and freed my mind? I truly can’t remember, and truly figured out how my life has been going for the past years. The lesson learned "Thru My Eyes" is that you cannot live your life lying to yourself. You can’t live your life trying to entertain to make other happy. At the end of the day, you should not have to deal with your stress and stress of others. You must do what you have to do to be happy. Not saying slay the world, but if you like doing it, do it! If you like jumping, JUMP! You may lose people for your own happiness when people don’t agree with you, but again at the end of the Day you are only stuck with the decisions, and actions you take. Than later only stuck with the responsibilities. So why does anything else matters. 'Thru My Eyes", you’re the only one who controls your happiness!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thru My Eyes

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Well, the day started out good, and I decided to go to Florence, NJ to surprise my good friend for her birthday. Today was a great day to start with and as it progressed it seemed more interesting. I usually write my blogs at the end of the month, but I have to express how I’m feeling now. When enjoying your life, you will be faced with many choices, and as I learned today it is not best to make fast decisions. Even if it’s something you really want to do, you must decide if it’s the best thing to do. You should weight out all the outcomes. I have learned thru my eyes that all decisions come with consequences. Some are good, while some are bad. You should always trust your gut, because you must know that your gut is only there to guide you! Today has just opened my eyes on knowing that better days are always promised.